My Promise To You

My promise to you, my adventure dog, is to always take you out. I promise, trail after trail, to see all that nature has to offer. In the Summer, I promise to wade into streams, to splash in the ocean as the smell of beach surrounds us. In the Fall, I promise to climb as…

An Ode to October

October has come and gone. With the cold darkness that November brings, I am left looking back on how wonderful that first fall month truly is.  Fall holds so much beauty. The warm hues dance in contrast to the cool crisp air. The soft glow of the yellow and orange trees play against the snap…

Adventure Dog Prayer

Go forth my little explorer. Lose yourself in the smell of the woods. Feel the mud on the pads of your feet. Drink cool water from the stream that crosses our path. Run up ahead, turn around to make sure I’m still with you. Climb, bound, leap, and climb some more. The higher we go,…


Jordyn and Emmett and sometimes Edgar. Jordyn – 25, new found adventurer. Loves her pets, reading, and spending hours lost in the woods. Office job by day, pet store associate by night, and hiker on the weekends. Used to hate hiking, but now feeds her soul from the tops of mountains. Though for now she…